3 Types of Fitness Clothing to Buy for Women
3 Types of Fitness Clothing
Women have always taken their beauty seriously, but the new age is more about being body beautiful instead of simply concentrating on facial beauty or clothes to wear. More and more women are into one form of exercise or other, and need the right type of fitness clothing that can make it more convenient and comfortable for them to work out. If you have opened up an outfit store, here are 3 important types of wholesale fitness apparel options that you need to consider buying for your women customers.
Sports Bra
These are perfect in fittings, and can provide the bust with adequate support. Many of these are shape-wear and can reduce the size of too large breasts. These are made in very sexy designs, and can be availed in varied colors of sports bra such as black, purple, pink or white. Look for those made of cotton and other natural fabrics which do not cause skin problems even after wearing for a long time. Artificial fabrics are known to result in redness, irritation, itchiness and various types of skin issues in wearers. Naturally, you should always go for natural, eco-friendly and skin-friendly options for your consumers.

Gym Shorts
This type of wholesale fitness apparel is tight, although not constricting and causing embarrassment for wearers while working out. Look for women's gym shorts made of stretchable and flexible fabric, which can allow easy movement of legs while performing specific exercises such as treadmill workouts that need legs to move freely. Proper gym shorts are slim, make women look great and allow easy evaporation of sweat from the legs. These can be worn all-year long, and one can even wear them while jogging out in the morning or in the evening.

Gym pants/Trousers
Gym pants/trousers are worn by women who do not feel too comfortable while wearing shorts, due to reasons of modesty, not too shapely legs, hairy legs etc. Look for those made of materials such as Spandex or Lycra which offer a lot of flexibility. These also provide the butt and thigh muscles with a lot of support.